English: Writing

At Pentland we provide an English curriculum which creates a memorable, meaningful and engaging learning experience for our pupils through a broad and balanced curriculum. Our curriculum enables pupils to acquire and develop the skills, knowledge and vocabulary they require to be successful readers and writers. Through careful, progressive planning, our curriculum enables pupils to develop, apply, embed and master their skills. We aspire for English to be enjoyable, motivating and challenging. During their time at Pentland, pupils will embark on an exciting journey, which supports and develops their speaking, listening, reading and writing.




Our aim at Pentland is for pupils to develop the key writing skills and produce quality written work. We aspire for pupils to be confident writers, who enjoy the writing process and experience writing for different purposes across the whole curriculum. We aspire for our children to develop into articulate and imaginative communicators, who are well-equipped with the basic skills they need to become life-long learners and confident writers.  We promote vocabulary and language, to develop our children’s interest and love in the written word, using a text- based approach with books that will engage, inspire and motivate. We ensure that children’s writing is relevant and meaningful so that children write fluently and with interesting detail for different purposes. Pupils develop excellent transcription skills that ensure that writing is well presented, punctuated, and spelt correctly.



At Pentland the whole curriculum is shaped by the school vision which enables all children to achieve, regardless of background or ability. We teach the EYFS and National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Our writing curriculum provides a holistic approach, incorporating language, vocabulary development, reading, writing and SPaG. We use a text-based approach, and have incorporated and adapted elements of ‘The Power of Reading’ into our writing lessons. These provide invaluable opportunities for reading, discussion, questioning, drama, imitating and writing within English. Teachers plan well-structured, progressive lessons to meet the needs of all learners.  Teachers clearly model writing skills and learning is documented through working walls and shared writing sessions. Children are given opportunities to apply their taught skills to independent pieces of writing.  Within our English lessons, children are taught discrete punctuation and grammar skills. In Nursery, pupils have access to fine motor activities, mark making and writing opportunities within their provision. In Reception, teachers aim to teach a minimum of three lessons of whole class English lessons a week. Children experience lots of purposeful writing opportunities through continuous provision, story scribing and contributing to class books. In Key Stage One, teachers plan to carry out a minimum of four whole class English lessons a week. Expectations and objectives within all lessons are linked to the National Curriculum age related expectations. A high standard of handwriting is modelled across school and children are encouraged to imitate this. Handwriting is taught and practised regularly in separate books and worksheets, but is expected to be evidenced through independent work too.



Assessment in writing is ongoing as teachers carry out summative assessments during each lesson, providing pupils with feedback and opportunities to review their work. In addition, formative assessments and half-termly trackers are used to monitor the progress of pupils.  This tracking is used to analyse gaps in children’s knowledge and give an overview of specific groups of children across school who need intervention, which is then promptly planned, implemented, monitored and reviewed. Moderation between Year Group partners, and also within school takes place. There is a dedicated subject leader who oversees and monitors English within school.

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