

????At Pentland Infant and Nursery School we believe that a broad and balanced?science?education?is?the entitlement of all?children.?Science?is?about?giving?children?the tools to develop their ideas and ways of working that enable them to understand the world through investigation with independence, resilience and enjoyment. We encourage this by providing?children?with experiences extending beyond the national curriculum such as inviting in visitors and holding?science?days in school. 



???Children?learn by playing with things in their world. They pick up clues?about?what they see, touch, smell, taste and hear in order to makes sense of it all. Eventually they come to conclusions which they match up with all the experiences they have had. Children?take a second, careful look at the world. By talking together?children?can be encouraged to explore and observe so that they can group objects and events and look for similarities and differences. They measure and record the things they have found out in ways that make sense to them so that later they can talk to other people?about?what they have discovered. They are encouraged to understand how?science?can be used to explain what?is?occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. 



Children at Pentland are excited and enthralled during Science lessons. Children have a love for Science when they leave Pentland Infant and Nursery School. They show show an appreciation for anyone working in a role where science is incorporated. Our progression in Science skills ensures progress across the school. The children at Pentland Infant and Nursery School are confident in using Working Scientifically skills.
Science is incorporated in English and Maths lessons to ensure the whole Science curriculum is being 


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