
We value the voice of the child and promote democratic processes. A good example of this is our thriving School Council.  Each year each class, from Reception to Year 2, has two councillors voted for and elected by the children in their class. This process helps the children to learn about how adults elect councils and members of parliament in order to represent their interests and give them a voice.

The School Council are given responsibility for gathering children’s views in order to inform and help to shape the work and focus of the school.  In the last year our School Council have:

Helped revise the Dinner Menus

Evaluated the School Grounds and Environment and suggested changes that needed to happen

Visited Books Plus to choose books for the Classroom and School Library

Helped to organise and promote a ‘Safe Parking and Travel to School’ Awareness Day and poster competition

Hosted a visit to our school from the Unicef Councillors from Haveley Hey Academy Primary School in Manchester

School Council gives children the opportunity to debate issues, put forward different ideas and viewpoints and arrive at an agreed consensus.

Throughout the day, in different lessons and at times such as playtimes, children are encouraged to share ideas, offer their opinions and listen to those of others.  There are many opportunities for children to be helped to understand that sometimes an agreement must be reached, that takes in the opinions of the majority and that this then shapes the activity of the class or school.

The children’s opinions are vital and we seek to gather their views on an on-going basis. This is done in many informal ways, as well as formally through our pupil survey, which we undertake once a year. The feedback from this and school council play an important part in school improvement planning..