Tolerance towards those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Pentland is situated in an area which is not particularly culturally diverse, therefore we place a great emphasis on promoting diversity with the children.

The school makes considerable efforts to ensure children have exposure to opportunities beyond their local community and introduces them to concepts and ideas beyond their everyday experiences, thus helping them to develop tolerance, appreciation and respect for all people within the multicultural society in which we live. 

We place a high value on sporting and the arts activities, as well as ensuring every child has the opportunity to experience an educational trip at some point during the year. These experiences are used as platforms for linking with people beyond their own community and embracing the idea of diversity being a positive concept.

Our RE and PSHE teaching teaches tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs and promotes a greater understanding of religious diversity and practices for those religions represented in the UK. Planning for RE is directed by the Kirklees Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.

Assemblies are regularly planned to address this issue through the inclusion of moral stories and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures. We use national and international events, such as Comic Relief, to help children respect and appreciate people in Britain and internationally. Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school.
