Week Commencing 27th November

Date: 3rd Dec 2023 @ 5:35pm

Last week, we had begun reading the story, Oh No George!

Within this story, the animal character George tries to be good but he ends up creating a mess around the house. He had ate cake, chased the cat and even dug up the soil.

So far, we heave read up until the part where George had dug up the soil. Harris (his owner) then walks through the door. Children had a think as to what they thought may happen next. 

Here is a clip of the story:


Some activities within provision:

  • Printing with Lego in playdough 
  • Jelly sensory tuff tray 
  • Dog Craft 
  • Cutting practise - cutting coloured feathers 
  • Painting on Bubble Wrap 
  • Threading the correct number of beads onto each numicon
  • Finding matching pairs of socks. 


We have been learning some songs which we will sing at our christmas performance. We are excited to be presenting to our parents in a few weeks time! 


We had contnued to learn about 'matching'. Last session, children had another go at building matching towers out of coloured lego bricks. 


We had continued to teach the phoneme S. Please encourage your child to try and identify any objects which begin with the phoneme S.