Week commencing 25th September

Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 10:35am

This week we continued our work upon our new  story ' The Lonely Beast'. We started the week by thinking of and writing questions we could ask the Lonely Beast to find out more about their life.

We have also had so much fun creating a friend for the Lonely Beast out of modelling clay. We have thought of interesting facts about our new creations.



In maths our Year 2s continued their work on place value, looking at a number line to 100, estimating where numbers would be placed on the number line and also comparing numbers using the vocabulary, more than, less than, greater than and equal to.

Our Year 1s have also been comparing numbers of objects. We have used the symbols for greater than/ less than and equal to.


In Geography we have used our classroom as a resource and have created our own ‘messy maps’ using objects to represent the classroom furniture.


In Science our Year 2s have been learning all about what humans need to survive. Our Year 1s have been thinking about similarities and differences between themselves and their friends.

We also had a visit from or local PCSs who reminded us how to stay safe near to Roads. We designed our own Road Safely posters too which were fantastic.