Oliver Jeffers- Review of week beginning 11th September

Date: 15th Sep 2023 @ 11:09am

We have had another great week in Oliver Jeffers class. We have read another book by Oliver Jeffers 'Stuck' all about a little boy called Floyd who gets his kite stuck up a tree.

We thought of and wrote our own ideas of how Floyd could rescue the kite.

In the book he  tries lots of different, amusing ideas to rescue his kite and the children have loved retelling  and acting out the story. Each child has made a ziz zag book and we are encouraging them to use these books to retell the story to a family member to practise their retelling skills. We hope they add lots of expression!!


In maths the Year 1s have been practising their sorting, counting skills and learning to represent numbers in objects and written words.

In Maths the Year 2s have been recognising tens and ones and partitioning numbers into tens and ones.

We have had 2 fantastic PE sessions. Please could we remind you that no jewellery or ear rings are to be worn on a wednesday and friday. 

We have completed our application forms to be a School Councillor and voting will be taking place next week!!!

As mentioned last week we have also launched our Emotional check in boards where we encourage our children to tell us how they  are feeling by choosing an emotion .This work has followed from our work on the book called the Colour Monster which I'm sure the children will tell you all about.