Nadia Shireen - Week commencing 27th November

Date: 3rd Dec 2023 @ 8:25pm

Week commencing 27th November 

This week we have been introduced to our new text. We started the week by looking at different images from the book without sharing the front cover or the title. We started by looking at the first image in the book of a wanted poster for a wolf. We talked about what we thought the poster might mean, who we thought had made the poster and if it reminded us of any familiar stories. We then looked at an image of the main character in the story and used expanded noun phrases to help us to write a character description of what the girl looked like. We then began to read the story, freeze framing different parts of the story, using our facial expressions to help us to portray how the different characters are feeling at different points in the text. We then created a piece of writing that focused on what the characters were thinking, feeling and saying at different points in the story. 

In maths we have continued to work on our addition skills, using a variety of methods to help us to solve calculations. We then moved on to subtraction, using Base 10 to help us to sutract a 2 digit number from another 2 digit number. 

We have begun our rehearsals for our nativity and are all very excited to perform it for parents.