Anthony Browne Class - Week Commencing 15th April - review

Date: 21st Apr 2024 @ 10:47am

Week commencing 15th April 

In English we have been introduced to our new text for the next 2 weeks. The text will be reveled slowly to the children and will not find out the title to the very end.  We were introduced to an image showing an area full of litter. We spent time discussing the importance of not littering and watched some videos to find out why this is so important and how it affects animals and people. We then began to think about how we could teach others about the importance of not littering. We looked at some news reports on littering and decided to become news reporters. We planned what we wanted to say and wrote a script to present to the class. 

In Maths we have moved on to a new topic. We have begun to learn about Multiplication and Division which we will continue to cover over the next few weeks. In year one we focus on grouping and counting in 2s, 10s and 5s. This week we began by making groups of 2s and counted in 2s. 

In Geography we have recapped on the four countries of the United Kingdom and where they are placed on a map. We then labelled the capital cities of each country. Ask your children if they can name them at home. We moved on to thinking about what a human feature is (buildings, houses, roads, paths) and what a physical feature is (mountains, rivers, lakes, forests).

In Computing we have been looking at algorithms and coding and how they are used in computer programming. We looked at a game and what keys are pressed to make the dinosaur move, jump and roar. We then worked in pairs to write our own codes to use on the program.

In Science we thought about plants are and went on an exciting plant hunt with our Year One friends from Oliver Jeffers class. we had different criteria such as a plant that smells, a plant with a flower, a plant with many leaves, and had to find a plant which met those criteria. When we got back, we conducted a bean experiment, thinking about what plants need to grow and what might happen if one was taken away from the plant. We used two bean seeds and placed one in a pot which would be given water and one in a pot which would not. We will be investigating the two bean seeds during the coming weeks and will observe what will happen to them.

Wednesday was a very exciting morning as we were visited by some local firefighters. The children were so excited and could not stop talking about it. 

We had an exciting delivery of the Living Eggs in school and have enjoyed watching them as they hatched this week.

As part of their Chatterbox Challenge for homework the children have been tasked with talking to you all about the exciting things, we have done this week. Please ask them all about it. Focus on how they structure a verbal sentence and the vocabulary they use to describe the events of the week. Topics to focus on are the living eggs, the firefighter visit and littering.

We had such a fabulous afternoon welcoming some mums into school for our Mother's Day craft afternoon on Tuesday. It was wonderful to have such a great turnout and hope you all enjoyed it.