Nadia Shireen Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs De'Ath
Miss Child
Welcome to Nadia Shireen Class
The teachers are:
Miss Child (Monday-Tuesday), Mrs De'Ath (Wednesday-Friday)
Reading Books
The children will have two to three reading practice sessions a week, where they will read a phonetically decodable text selected by the class teacher. This will be taken home with them at the end of the week. Children will each have the opportunity to select a library book of their choice to take home too, these books will be swapped weekly.
PE Days
This half term our PE days will be Monday and Wednesday. Children are to come to school wearing their P.E kits on the appropriate day.
Homework Challenges
Each week 'Homework Challenge' will be sent home linked to the children's learning in school. The majority of this work should be completed by the child, with support and guidance given from adults at home. Don't forget to bring your homework books back on Monday.
Things to remember:
- Bring bookbags to school everyday.
- Read your reading practise books at home and fill out their purple reading record book.
- Library books are changed every Wednesday.
- Check out the class blog page each week to see what exciting things we have done in school.